Take it to the Box
The Take It To The Box program promotes the safe use, safe storage; in particular the safe disposal of unneeded medication.
The McLeod County community and MEADA are serious about preventing medication misuse, abuse and environmentally safe disposal of unneeded medication. Safe medication disposal helps reduce such risks.
How should I get my medicine ready to drop off in The Box?
Medicine should be left in their original container with the label. If the medicine is a prescription, use a marker to cross off your name. Leave all other information on the container.
What kinds of medicine can go into The Box?
Any prescription and over-the-counter medicine can be placed in The Box.
What about syringes, needles or “sharps”?
NO! These items can NOT go in The Box. Talk to your pharmacist about syringe disposal options and products that are available.
For further suggestions for syringe disposal, contact McLeod County Solid Waste at (320) 484-4300
Household chemicals like glues, paints and other inhalants can be used to get high. Can these chemicals go in The Box?
No. You are encouraged to store these kinds of chemicals in a safe, out-of-reach location.
Can “inhalers” be put in The Box?
Yes. Inhalers used with various medicines can be dropped in The Box for disposal.
What do I do with medicine that has expired?
Expired medicines are accepted in The Box.
I know someone who has a large amount of unneeded medication but is unable to bring it in for disposal. Can I drop off someone else’s medication?
Yes. If needed, friends or family members may bring medication to The Box for someone else. Please call if you have a question about this.
What happens to the medicine dropped into The Box?
The Box will be emptied as needed. Contents are stored in a secured locations. Periodically, law enforcement and a chemist from a qualified disposal company will sort the medication. Medicines will then be taken to a licensed site to be incinerated.
Who pays for the medication disposal?
Take It To The Box is a very cost effective program. Funding has come from: local law enforcement agencies, McLeod County Solid Waste, a Drug Free Communities grant and a grant from the United Way. There is NO charge to individuals when medications are dropped off at Take It To The Box locations.
Locations (Open 24/7)
McLeod County Sheriff’s Office
801 East 10th Street
Hutchinson Police Deptartment
10 Franklin Street South
Winsted Police Deptartment
201 1st Street North